Latasha Cheer Up Honey ecard

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This animated ecard begins with the outside view of a coffee shop with the name Brewed Awakening coffee shop written in large yellow letter on its front window. Next we are inside where Latasha, a lovely African American woman beautifully made up with purple eyeshadow and red lipstick, dressed in a lovely aqua green dress with a light blue swirl print and black pumps. She is sitting at her favorite table with a deep blue table cloth her yellow coffee mug, a white sugar bowl and milk jug and a folded piece of paper on the table. Across from her we see part of a man sitting on a chair reading his newspaper, a little away from Latasha’s table and facing her. When Latasha says “I wrote down” she picks up the piece of paper and reads from it. Latasha is very animated and she moves her hands and head as she speaks. At the end of the ecard there is a final banner in white letter at the bottom of the screen with the words you’re the best!
Latasha Cheer Up Honey ecard