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Hanukah Penguins

Hanukah Penguins

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View the Hanukah Penguins Ecard
The Hanukah penguins animated and musical ecard is set on an iced lake surrounded by trees covered with snow and a penguins appears on the scene skating beautifully and to the music on the lake. At one point as he spins around, he turns into a large menorah that goes on spinning. The menorah turns back to the penguin who skates off screen then returns with another skating penguin as they both hold a banner with 8 candles and the words read “happy Hanukkah!” Two more penguins come on the scene, one sitting on the other penguin’s shoulders and as he skates, the penguin on top lights up the candles on the banner one by one. Once they are all lit, the penguins go on skating and snowflakes in the shape of the star of David fall from above.
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