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Back to School March ecard

Back to School March ecard

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View the Back to School March ecard Ecard
The Back to school March animated ecard begins with seeing a calendar showing September 6 and penciled in is “Back to School”. Next, we are in a bedroom where a young boy dog is in bed and as the alarm clock rings, he wakes up and the sun is shining in his bedroom window. He slides out of bed and goes to the bathroom, takes a shower and returns to the bedroom with a towel on his head. We then see him coming down the stairs wearing a striped t-shirt and not looking thrilled. At the front door, his thrilled mom (also a dog) wearing an apron hands him his lunch box and out the door he goes and gets on the school bus as his mom watches and waves. The bus leaves, mom goes back in the house, removes her apron and dances in the house! The final screen appears and the final banner says “congratulations on surviving another Summer” and the school bus drives across the screen under the banner.
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