Yom Kippur eCards for Husband

Yom Kippur eCards for Husband

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Yom Kippur eCards for Husband

Choose a Yom Kippur eCard for Husband

Choose a Yom Kippur eCard for Husband

The Day of Atonement is an important one. It's a time you share with your husband. Strike the perfect balance of humor and gravity with Yom Kippur eCards for Husband from Doozy Cards.

Yom Kippur Butterflies is a heartfelt ecard that acknowledges how much spiritual lightness comes from atoning. We watch as caterpillars enter the temple. Time passes, and finally they emerge, but their sin has been forgiven, and they flutter heavenward, light as feathers. It's a beautiful metaphor for the freedom that confession brings.

Remember Your Sins? Yom Kippur ecard is a funny ecard that lets you get your zingers in before the time for atoning arrives. Your husband is a constant companion, and chances are, you've kept better stock of all his sins than he has. This fun ecard is a tongue in cheek offer to help him remember his sins, should he forget any.

Yom Kippur Fasting Puppy ecard is an encouraging message about the commitment to fasting. The cute pup lies by the fire, deep in contemplation. His owner tries to tempt him with delicious treats, but our puppy is steadfast to his Day of Atonement commitment. He refuses each treat, no matter how delicious, and it might just give your husband the extra willpower her needs to help him through his fast.

Yom Kippur Doves delivers a simple message, straight from the heart. Against a dawn-colored sky, a shofar blows. Doves scatter from the horn, along with Stars of David. A sweet wish for a peaceful Yom Kippur is displayed.

Atone Today, Vegas Tomorrow and Shopping for Atonement are silly postcards to remind friends and family that, after the fasting and atonement are finished, you can let the good times roll with shopping and trips to Vegas!

Yom Kippur eCards for Husband are the perfect way to begin preparations for the Day of Atonement. Just make sure you send them before the fasting begins.

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