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Bug Memorial Weekend

Bug Memorial Weekend

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View the Bug Memorial Weekend Ecard
The Bug memorial weekend animated ecard is a hilarious card set on a beach where we see someone’s feet as they lie on a blanket and suddenly, we see, with the help of a magnifying glass, a little bug next to the blanket and it is cooking on its barbecue. As the bug speaks, it is pouring gas on the charcoal for the barbecue and at times, smokes its cigar. The bug makes a face, the magnifying glass pulls away and we see the whole beach and the two little points on the sand which are the bug and the barbecue and suddenly, there is an explosion! The magnifying glass appears once again and we see that the barbecue has exploded and the bug is darker from the explosion. The magnifying glass pulls away and as we see the whole beach again, the final banner appears with the words “Happy Memorial Day”.
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